Sunday, June 14, 2015

Realness Report - War Machine: Ring of Honor's Future Tag Team Champions

Picture by Dwayne Allen

You have to be living under a rock if you have not heard of the fasting rising tag team in all of professional wrestling, WAR MACHINE. This emerging tag team is comprised of power houses, Hanson and Rowe, Ring of Honor's future World Tag Team Champions.

I remember being backstage at a Ring of Honor taping in Baltimore, MD working with the photographer and they brought in a group of wrestlers who, at the time, were apart of the developmental system in ROH known as "Future of Honor". In walks this huge tag team with long beards and tats and immediately these guys had my attention.

The first thing I thought to myself was "I'm not sure who these guys are but they definitely have the look to be major stars". I began to do my research and I found out when they would be performing on the card that night and I made sure to go watch the match  so I could figure out what this tag team had to offer.

In a world where tag team wrestling has very few legitimate superstars, War Machine did not disappoint! Hanson and Rowe have an old school smash mouth style, reminiscent of The Road Warriors along with the agility to move like lightweights. From that point on, I declared that War Machine was the tag team of the future. Not just the tag team of the future in Ring of Honor, but the tag team of the future in all of professional wrestling.

They have an undeniable star power and "it factor" that very few tag teams have today. They have that same "it factor" that I remember seeing when I was first introduced to Ring of Honor and saw The Briscoes, Mark and Jay or the first time I was exposed to the Young Bucks, Nick and Matt Jackson. These home grown tag teams prove that it doesn't take "the machine" to manufacture what they believe a tag team should look like. 
Hanson and Rowe have had a ton of amazing tag team match-ups with the likes of The Killer Elite Squad, The Briscoes, The Addiction, reDRagon, Forever Hooligans, and The Bullet Club etc. My personal favorite match-ups have been when War Machine has gone to war with The Briscoes and the ROH All-Stars vs The Bullet Club at ROH/NJPW Global Wars 2015 Night one. If you need an introduction to War Machine, this is the perfect match to take notice.

War Machine has erupted into the Ring of Honor's main event scene as a tag team and the future is bright for pro-wrestling's next big tag team. Ring of Honor does the best job in creating new stars when current established stars move on to the WWE for the big paychecks. The format is no different when it comes to War Machine. The future of Ring of Honor and pro-wrestling is taking shape before our very eyes.

I'm implore you, TAKE NOTICE NOW!!!!!! WAR MACHINE IS THE FUTURE OF ALL TAG TEAM WRESTLING. When you look at all established tag teams in pro-wrestling today, very few tag teams can match up with War Machine in terms of size, in-ring work and ability, unique look and overall star power. When I look at the current pool of tag teams I honestly don't want to see War Machine match up with many of the new tag teams. 

I want to see War Machine match up with the likes of The Dudleyz, The Briscoes (again), Luke Harper and Eric Rowan, The New Age Outlaws, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows, The Hardys and maybe The American Wolves (maybe). Outside of the tag teams I just named, there are no other tag teams in the world today (that I know of) that match up with War Machine as a total package. This intense tag team would bulldoze through all of  WWE's current tags with the exception of Harper and Rowan. 

They would destroy anything growing in NXT's tag division, (although I am a huge fan of Blake and Murphy). Do they even have any more tag teams in TNA anymore? They would over power the likes of the Time Splitters and Roponggi Vice of New Japan Pro-Wrestling and they might break The Young Bucks in half if they could ever get their hands on them.  

The clock is ticking for current Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions, The Addiction. Although experienced, age is factor that could lead to the decline of current tag champs Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels. Mark my words when I say, it is only a matter of time before Hanson and Rowe take over the world of tag team wrestling. These guys are global stars waiting to happen. Just watch.

War Machine has declared war on the wrestling world and they will destroy any wrestler or tag team that gets in their way. War Machine is Ring of Honor's Future World Tag Team Champions. This means WAR! 

- The Real Dwayne Allen, The Wrestling Wrealm 





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Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Realness Report - Seth Rollins: The WWE's Most Wanted Man

Picture by Dwayne Allen

Years ago, I made it very clear that Seth Rollins would be the first member of The Shield to be a world champion. Not only is he the first member of The Shield to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he is now the MOST WANTED man in WWE. 

After aligning himself with The Authority, Seth Rollins has found new ways to scheme and plot his way to the very top of the WWE. It started with winning Money in the Bank and culminating in him cashing in at Wrestlemania 31 to outsmart both Roman Reigns and the beast incarnate, Brock Lesnar to win his first WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Since then, the King has reigned supreme. 
Surrounded by The Authority, J&J Security, and Kane, Seth Rollins has avoided losing his coveted world title in a number of scenarios. Seth Rollins has managed to escape the clutches of former world champions like John Cena and Randy Orton while barely escaping rising stars like Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. With the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose hot on his tail recently, Rollins' time as WWE World Heavyweight Champion may be coming to an end sooner than we realize.

Or maybe it won't be Dean Ambrose. Maybe it'll be the powerhouse Roman Reigns. Maybe it'll be a returning Daniel Bryan. Maybe it'll be a vengeful Viper in Randy Orton. Or maybe it'll be a rising NXT superstar in Kevin Owens or maybe (and the most obvious) the 295 pound elephant in the room, the beast incarnate, BROCK LESNAR!!!!!

One way or another it only confirms why Seth Rollins is the MOST WANTED man in the WWE today. Anywhere you turn, Seth Rollins has someone looking to dethrone the current King of WWE today (no offense Bad News Barrett). Only time will tell how long Seth Rollins will remain WWE World Heavyweight Champion and which hungry WWE Superstar will be the one to end his first reign as WWE World Heavyweight Champion. 

- The Real Dwayne Allen
